Model pembelajaran TAI pada bahan ajar gamifikasi : Dampak terhadap pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi sistem persamaan linear

Safuatu Ardina Sari, Istihana Istihana, Rizki Wahyu Yunian Putra, Ahmad Sodiq, Riyuzen Praja Tuala


The aim of this research is to find out the difference in increasing students' understanding of mathematical concepts in SPLDV material that is given the application of the TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) type of cooperative learning model with gamification teaching material, the TAI type of cooperative learning model (Team Assisted Individualization), and the model conventional. In this study using Quasy Experimental Design. The independent variable (X) used in this study is the TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) learning model with gamification teaching material and the dependent variable (Y) is the understanding of students' mathematical concepts. This study uses a pretest posttest control design. Data collection in this study used test instruments provided in the experimental class and the control class. The hypothesis test used in this study is the one way analysis of variance (anava) test. From the results of anava N-gain test it was found that  and it can be concluded that there is a difference in the increase in students' understanding of the concept of SPLDV between the application of TAI type cooperative learning models with gamification teaching materials, TAI type cooperative learning models, and conventional learning models. From the results of the Scheffe calculation 'it can be concluded that the type of TAI cooperative learning model with gamification teaching material is better quality than the TAI type cooperative learning model and conventional learning model.


Gamification Teaching Material; Cooperative Learning Model; SPLDV; Team Assisted Individualization

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