Aldi Rizki Putra, Rizki Wahyu Yunian Putra, Riyama Ambarwati, Ruhban Masykur


The problem of learning mathematics that has occurred so far is that it has not succeeded in increasing a good understanding of mathematics for students so that the current mathematics learning process requires an adjustment between the methods and learning media that will be used for the learning process. The purpose of this research is to develop an Islamic nuanced learning media to help students in learning activities. In this study using the ADDIE method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). For the first stage of the research, a needs and curriculum analysis was carried out, then based on the analysis, teaching materials were designed in the form of pop up books which were then developed and implemented and finally tested. The results obtained in this study are where in the media feasibility test the criteria are very feasible from the results of the assessment carried out by experts and students with each media expert score of 87% and material expert 93%, and the assessment of students getting 85.3%. So the conclusion is that the development of pop up book media can be said to be feasible to use.



Learning Media; ADDIE; Keislaman

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