Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Bernuansa Islami Matematika MTs Pada Materi Himpunan

Mar’atul Qiftiah, Andi Thahir, Rizki Wahyu Yunian Putra, Bambang Sri Anggoro, Riyama Ambarwati


The formulation of the problem in this research is as follows: (1) How is the product development process in the form of Islamic teaching materials in MTs mathematics? and What is the character of the prototype for the development of Islamic teaching materials in MTs mathematics? The aims of this study are to describe (1) to describe the product development process in the form of Islamic teaching materials for MTs mathematics; and (2) Knowing the prototype character of the development of Islamic teaching materials in MTs mathematics. The research method used is R & D. Product development is carried out with reference to the development of the ADDIE model which aims to produce products, namely teaching materials with Islamic nuances in MTs mathematics. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that (1) Produced Islamic teaching material products for MTs mathematics and from the validation results of lecturers, teachers and students stated that the product was declared feasible and interesting; and (2) Characteristics of the prototype development of Islamic teaching materials for MTs mathematics include: (a) In accordance with the implementation of the 2013 curriculum; (b) Based on basic competence in accordance with the Minister of Education and Culture; (c) Combination of several textbooks so as to provide a complex literature space; (d) Designed based on indicators of completeness or competency achievement of each sub-material in the learning material; (e) The form of learning activities is student-centered; (f) Provide opportunities for students to take an action to better understand the concept; (g) The design is designed in an attractive, dynamic and easy way for students so that the competencies being studied can be mastered easily, simply and meaningfully; and (i) Attractive appearance to demand student learning independence


Teaching Materials, Development, Association

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